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A Social Security Attorney in Charlotte Discusses Fatigue

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To schedule a consultation with an experienced Social Security attorney in Charlotte, call the law offices of Bridgman Law Offices at (704) 815-6055.

Fatigue is a common physical symptom experienced by many disability claimants. Your Social Security attorney in Charlotte knows that if your physical symptoms include fatigue, it is important for you to be able to present compelling, credible testimony that describes your condition.

Your Social Security attorney in Charlotte will want you to go over and answer the following questions in order to be prepared to answer any that the administrative law judge may ask during your hearing.

General Questions Concerning Fatigue

  • Describe the fatigue you experience.
  • When did the fatigue begin?
  • Did the fatigue gradually progress or begin instantaneously?
  • Would you describe the fatigue as similar to sleepiness or drowsiness?
  • Would you describe the fatigue as similar to having no energy, being physically tired, or as simply being weak?
  • Is impatience involved with your fatigue?
  • On a level of 1 to 10, what is your motivation level when you are fatigued?

Questions concerning the worsening of fatigue your Social Security attorney in Charlotte will want you to answer:

  • What causes the fatigue to get worse? Depression? Stress or anxiety? Heat or cold? Increased physical activity? Other?
  • Specifically state what worsens the fatigue. Certain emotional triggers? Certain stressful activities, people or events? How much cold or heat? How much and what types of physical activity? Other?
  • Is the fatigue worse at a particular time during the day? If so, what time?

Questions concerning the improvement of fatigue your Social Security lawyer in Charlotte will want you to answer:

  • Is the fatigue better at a particular time during the day? If so, when?
  • What types of things improve your fatigue? Positive and pleasant experiences? Sleep? Rest? Other?
  • On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your sleep?
  • How much time do you require to rest in order for the fatigue to improve enough to enable you to arise and engage in activities?

Contact A Social Security Lawyer In Charlotte

Discussing every aspect of your claim with a disability attorney before your Social Security hearing occurs is crucial. To schedule a free consultation with a competent, experienced and knowledgeable Social Security attorney in Charlotte, please contact the law offices of Bridgman Law Offices at (704) 815-6055.

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