A. Both Social Security Disability (SSD) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) are programs of the Social Security Administration. Both SSD and SSI require the same basic requirement for coverage- an…
A. Yes. If you are unable to work at any job for a period of twelve (12) months or more AND have financial need, you may be eligible for Supplemental…
A. Yes. Children may be eligible for several different types of Social Security programs. While most people consider “regular” Social Security as the program based on taxes paid while working,…
The period of time it takes for you to start receiving your Social Security Disability payments will depend on whether your initial application for benefits is approved or denied. After…
You may be eligible for Social Security (SS) if you have mental and/or physical problems severe enough to keep you from working for a period of twelve (12) months or…
Most claimants are denied several times before they receive a favorable decision on their claim. DO NOT GIVE UP. Your best opportunity to prove your disability occurs with a lawyer…
SS hearings are held by a judge called an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ). The Western North Carolina area has been blessed with very competent and reasonable ALJs. The hearings are…
Due to the large number of appeals in Social Security cases, it is often many months before each level of an appeal is decided. You are generally given several months…
Both SS and SSI benefits have the same requirements for disability–the inability to work at a suitable job for a continuous period of twelve (12) months or more. SS benefits…
A very small number of applicants are awarded benefits in North Carolina before the ALJ hearing. Social Security decisions and opinions prior to the ALJ hearing are generally made by…
Yes. While you cannot be eligible for Social Security benefits while you are working full time, the law does permit you to make “work attempts” for periods of time without…
Since most of the issues for hearing involve medical questions, medical reports from your treating doctors are critical. Doctors are not asked to attend SS hearings. ALJs will not decide…
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