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Disabled Veterans and SSDI benefits

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To learn about eligibility for SSD or for veterans’ benefits, call a Charlotte Social Security disability attorney at Bridgman Law Offices 704-815-6055.

If you are wondering if you qualify for Social Security disability, talk to our Charlotte Social Security disability attorney. If you are veteran, you could be eligible for additional benefits. However, the process for applying for each of these differs. If you are applying for the former, you will need to submit an application through the Social Security Administration either in person or online. Applications for veterans’ benefits are submitted through the Department of Veterans Affairs.

Expediting Your Request

Applicants must have an employment history that includes either military or non-military jobs, which includes the payment of Social Security taxes to qualify for benefits. Once you submit an application, it can take time to receive a response and decision. However, you can submit a form called the “Exhibit – Critical Request Evaluation Sheet” to expedite your request. Our Charlotte Social Security disability lawyer can help you submit these forms and the proper paperwork.

Processing Your Application

The applicant will receive notification of either approval or denial of their benefits. If they are approved, the letter will advise them on when they will receive benefits along with the amount. If they are denied, they can appeal the case. At this point, many applicants choose to seek the services of a qualified Charlotte Social Security disability attorney who can review all of your forms and documentation to ensure that the VA has all of the necessary information to approve your case. You can help your lawyer by making copies of all of your medical information so that you aren’t dependent on the VA. Even so, a hearing might not be scheduled for months.

Application Approval

Although a veteran can be found partially disabled, the SSA does not provide for partial benefits. The SSA requires that a person suffer from their disability for at least 12 months, and it must cause serious impairment or even have a possibly fatal prognosis. Our Charlotte Social Security disability lawyer can work with clients from the initial application throughout the entire process.

If you have questions about your possible eligibility for SSD or for veterans’ benefits, call our Charlotte Social Security disability attorney. You can reach the Bridgman Law Offices at 704-815-6055 for further information.

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