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If you are struggling with fibromyalgia, are you disabled?

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It is incredibly difficult when a person is struggling with a condition that is not physically apparent. Invisible illnesses can be extremely painful and debilitating, even affecting a person’s ability to work. One of these conditions is fibromyalgia, and if you have this type of illness, you may no longer be able to meet the terms of your employment.

It can be financially devastating when a person is no longer able to hold gainful employment because of his or her health. This is an issue that impacts your entire North Carolina family, and you are probably concerned about the future. How will you pay your bills and make ends meet? At this point, you may wonder if you are eligible for disability benefits, but you may be unsure of whether you qualify as a disabled individual.

The unseen impact of a hidden illness

Your illness may be unseen by the people around you, but the impact can be deep and significant. The way that your illness affects your life is what will determine whether you qualify for benefits, not necessarily whether people around you can tell you are sick. In order to secure financial support from the Social Security Administration, a person must have an illness that keeps him or her from working, expected to last for at least 12 months or result in that person’s death.

Fibromyalgia is chronic, which means you can expect this condition to affect your life long-term. It affects the nerves and joints, causing extreme pain. This illness can also affect your ability to sleep, resulting in chronic fatigue. It is often a misunderstood illness, but some of the most common ways it can impact the people who suffer from it include the following:

  • Extreme fatigue
  • Chronic headaches
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Problems with the bladder
  • Trouble focusing
  • Extreme pain in the muscles and bones

This condition can cause pain all over the body, and it can be difficult to predict how it will affect a person. Ultimately, it can hinder your ability to do the type of job you used to do in the past or find new employment.

If you think you may qualify as disabled because of a fibromyalgia diagnosis, you may want to speak with an experienced attorney about your options. It is not easy to get disability benefits, even with a valid medical condition, and having help can be beneficial as you navigate the application process.

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