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Our North Carolina Social Security Disability Attorney Debunks SSDI Myths

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Our North Carolina Social Security Disability Attorney Debunks SSDI Myths

If you find yourself in a position that you cannot work due to a disability, you may be considering filing for North Carolina Social Security disability benefits. Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), is a federally funded program that provides financial assistance to people who are disabled. This program is designed to help those who have paid into the system during their work career. Many people, however, feel a little reluctant to apply for these benefits. The thought of going through a mountain of paperwork to prove the disability, only to later be denied benefits is scary and frustrating to many people. Everyone, at some point, has heard of the frustration that a person experiences when applying for benefits. Because of these rumors our North Carolina disability attorney addresses the 10 most common questions and myths about the program.

Should I Even Try? I Have Heard Everyone Is Denied

According to the Social Security Administration (SSA), an average of 70 percent of applicants is denied the first time that they apply for benefits. It is a very high rate of denials, but there are reasons for this. One of the most common reasons for a case to automatically be denied is failure to prepare or submit the documents associated with the case correctly. The SSA has very strict guidelines for their applications and very stringent deadlines. Failure to meet either of these is a cause for denial. Additionally, some cases are denied because there is not enough medical proof that a long term disability exists. Thankfully, anyone that is denied benefits can appeal the decision.

SSDI Completely Replaces Your Lost Income

This is an incorrect statement. SSDI only replaces a portion of your lost income. The program is designed to help you meet your basic needs and no more. On average, the monthly check issues under SSDI were $1165 per month. Many people who qualify for SSDI also apply for Supplemental Security Income (SSI). This is another federally funded program that provides financial assistance to people who are disabled or elderly and have limited income sources. SSI is not part of the Social Security Administration. People who receive SSDI have the ability to return to work, even if it is just part time and not lose their benefits. However, if you do return to work when you receive SSI, you will no longer receive these benefits. SSI eligibility is based on your financial situation, including the assets you own. Supplements can range in value and is determined on a case-by-case basis.

Since My Doctor Says I Am Disabled I Should Be Guaranteed Benefits

This is not true. Even if your doctor states that you are medically disabled, the SSA must use this information to determine if you are legally disabled. Many people do not realize that there is a significant difference between medical and legal standards.

Once You Are Approved For Benefits You Are Approved For Life

Not necessarily. Your case will be periodically reviewed, especially if there is potential for you to make a recovery from your disability or new treatments have emerged. Your first review will come sometime during the first year and a half you receive benefits. Afterwards, if there is a chance for recovery your case will be reviewed approximately once every three years. If there is no reason to expect improvement, you will be reviewed once every seven years.

The First Step To Take When Applying For SSDI Is Hire An Attorney

While every North Carolina disability attorney would like to say yes to this statement, the truth is, if you feel you are disabled, you need to speak to your doctor. Your doctor will play a crucial part in proving your disability case.

Having Detailed Information About Your Medical Condition Helps Your Case

There is not a truer statement out there when it comes to applying for SSDI. The more documentation that you have about your medical condition and how it has impacted your life, the better chance you have for an instant approval. Proof is everything.

Disability Payments Take A Long Time To Start Once Approved

This is very accurate. Once you have been approved and given a disability onset date, your first check will most likely not likely be received for 7 or 8 months. Once your first check arrives, you will receive it monthly. However, your first check will contain all the previous months benefits that you had not yet received. For example, if you receive an onset date of February 20, your first payment will most likely be received on September first. You will receive six months’ worth of back benefits at that time, taking you through August. You will receive the check in September because benefits are always paid for the month before, not the month ahead.

The Onset For Disabilities Is Much Higher For Workers Than Most People Think

This is again true. Many people do not realize that one out of every four employed people will become disabled at some point during their career.

SSDI Is A Long-Term Program

Social Security Disability Insurance is only designed for people who have a disability that is anticipated to last for more than 12 months or is expected to create a terminal condition. Anyone who is disabled for a shorter period of time does not qualify. There are several other programs that can help people with sort term disabilities. Many f these programs are through private insurance policies or part of work place benefits. However, you may find that your state has benefits available through their Department of Labor.

Is There Help Available To Apply For Benefits?

If you are applying for benefits on your own, you should make sure you review the entire instruction booklet provided by the SSA. There are other organizations that can also help you such as the MS foundation if you suffer with this disorder, or similar programs. However, if you feel that handling this on your own may be too difficult and frustrating, you should speak to a disability attorney about your case. Disability attorneys have the benefit of knowing and understanding what the SSA is looking for in a case to approve the claim and they use this to your advantage.

Speak To A North Carolina Social Security Disability Lawyer Today

If you have recently applied for SSDI and been denied, or you are about to apply for benefits for the first time, you are encouraged to make an appointment with the Bridgman Law Offices. Your case will be reviewed in a free consultation. Call 704-815-6055 today and schedule your free appointment with a North Carolina Social Security disability lawyer today.

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