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Getting Benefits for Anxiety With Disability Lawyers in Charlotte NC

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If you have a question about qualifying for disability benefits, call disability lawyers in Charlotte NC at Bridgman Law Offices at (704) 815-6055.

Anxiety may be one of the most difficult conditions to collect Social Security disability benefits. Disability lawyers in Charlotte NC can tell you that only severe cases of anxiety that affect someone’s ability to carry out everyday tasks and perform basic work duties may qualify for benefits.

How To Qualify For Benefits Explained By Disability Lawyers In Charlotte NC

To qualify for benefits, the Social Security Administration, or SSA, generally requires that someone present medical evidence that he or she suffers from an anxiety-related disorder and that the condition renders the individual unable to work for at least 12 months. As you can see, this bar may be very difficult to reach, and you may want to work with disability lawyers in Charlotte NC to learn how you can qualify.

Disability attorneys in Charlotte NC may explain to you some of the medical evidence that you may need to present such as:

  • Medical diagnosis from a physician or specialist;
  • Results of any psychological testing and evaluations;
  • Your responses to treatments, medications, and notes from doctors; and
  • Supporting information regarding how the impairment affects your living and work abilities.

Your disability lawyers in Charlotte NC can help you gather the necessary information and supporting evidence by contacting your doctors and preparing your corroborating witnesses.

Meeting A Listing Or Determining Your Inability To Work

If you can prove that your anxiety-related condition meets a listed impairment by the SSA, you may automatically qualify for disability benefits. However, your disability lawyers in Charlotte NC can tell you that it can be hard to meet these listings.

Instead, in most cases, you may have to prove to the SSA that your condition limits your ability to work and that you cannot perform most jobs available to you. Disability attorneys in Charlotte NC may be invaluable in helping you prove this such as by documenting how you interact with others, your ability to follow simple tasks and your inability to concentrate.

Contact Disability Lawyers In Charlotte NC Bridgman Law Offices

If you have a question about qualifying for disability benefits based on an anxiety disorder, contact disability attorneys in Charlotte NC at Bridgman Law Offices to learn how we can help you. Call us at (704) 815-6055 to schedule a consultation to discuss your case.

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