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How many work credits do you need to qualify for SSD benefits?

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When a person in Charlotte decides to pursue Social Security disability benefits, they may be surprised to learn that it is not enough simply to have a serious illness or injury.

There are other requirements that must be met in order to qualify for SSD benefits, including having the requisite number of work credits.

SSD benefits are based, in part, on how many work credits an applicant has earned. Credits are earned through the amount of wages one makes and pays into Social Security payroll taxes. For example, in 2020 a worker can earn one Social Security credit for every $1,410 he or she receives in wages. The maximum number of credits a worker can earn in one year is four credits.

When it comes to qualifying for SSD benefits, the number of credits required is based on how old the applicant is. For example, if a person has earned 40 work credits, he or she has satisfied the work credit requirement for SSD benefits no matter how old he or she is. If an applicant is between the ages of 31 and 42, they need to have earned 20 work credits to satisfy the work credit requirement. For every two years an applicant is over age 42, he or she needs to have earned two more credits in addition to the aforementioned 20-credit requirement. Younger applicants between the ages of 24 and 31 need to have earned at least two credits each year since age 21. Finally, applicants under age 24 need to have earned at least six credits throughout the past three years.

Earning the requisite number of work credits is only one facet of qualifying for SSD benefits. Other requirements, including having a disabling condition and being unable to perform any type of work also come into play when determining whether one will qualify for SSD benefits. Ultimately, those seeking SSD benefits will want to make sure they understand all the requirements they must meet so they can put forth the strongest application possible.

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