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Teachers and work-related injuries

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During a typical day at work, a teacher could face many different challenges. From struggling to control a difficult class to pressure from parents and higher-ups, working as an educator can be very difficult. Teachers also face many different risks in the workplace, and some hazards can lead to a job-related injury.

Sometimes, people perceive teaching as a safe field, especially in comparison to construction and other lines of work. However, a significant number of teachers become seriously hurt in accidents each year.

Teachers Face Multiple Risks At Work

A piece published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics highlights the different workplace hazards that teachers encounter. For example, some teachers suffer serious injuries as a result of accidents related to transportation, overexertion and contact with dangerous objects. In the classroom, hallway and outside of a school, a teacher could slip on a slick surface or trip on debris. For example, a student could spill a drink on the floor or a teacher could fall on ice while walking into a building.

Teachers also face the risk of serious illnesses and even violence.

Recovering From A Work-Related Accident As A Teacher

In the wake of a workplace injury, a teacher could struggle in many ways. Financial problems due to lost wages or medical bills, mental trauma and physical pain can make recovery very hard. It is pivotal for teachers who sustain injuries in work-related accidents to go over the options in front of them. For some injured teachers, workers’ compensation benefits can provide a lifeline that makes it easier to restore a sense of normalcy in life.

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