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When denied SSD benefits, a lawyer can help with an appeal

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North Carolina residents who apply for Social Security disability and are denied might be under the impression that the case is over and they have no alternatives to appeal. However, that is not the case, and it is a mistake to believe that to be so. Many applications are initially denied and later approved. Sometimes it takes several levels of appeal, but it is possible to have the initial rejection reversed. Understanding how to appeal is key, and a lawyer is often vital to the process.

It is not unusual for SSD benefits applications to be denied when they are first made. In many instances, the denial is only due to a lack of information or mistakes that a person might have made because they did not have legal help when applying. Failing to secure legal assistance for the appeal only compounds the initial error and can lead to another denial. There are numerous aspects to an appeal that must be understood before pushing forward with it.

A legal professional can assist with filing an appeal, will give a list of steps and options that are part of the appeals process, explain what the administrative law judge (ALJ) does, give advice with requesting reconsideration, explain how the Appeals Council works, and how to move forward with a final appeal in federal court if all other avenues are extinguished. Many of these cases are based on minor details that an applicant failed to provide. Once all the necessary information is given and the proper steps are taken, the claim may stand a better chance of be approved.

Since SSD benefits are so integral to the life of a person who is suffering from an illness or injury, it can be a profound disappointment to receive a denial. Fortunately, all is not lost when this happens. Discussing how to appeal a denied Social Security disability case and understanding the requirements can be enormously beneficial. These matters can be handled by an attorney experienced in Social Security disability, which is why it may be helpful to discuss one’s case with one of these legal professionals.

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